
Options & Add-Ons

There are a number of options available which will help you adapt the standard JetSpeed harvester to your particular operation and process. Below you will find a list of our available options & add-ons, and below that some more detailed descriptions for each.

All of our options can be retro-fitted easily. So, as your operation grows & changes, or as you see something that will enhance your production, now or at some point down the line, an add-on will be a snap.

*** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** –  Due to the continuing effects of the Covid virus on the materials supply chain, we are enduring a seemingly endless barrage of cost increases which negate posting accurate list prices for any extended period of time. Please feel free to call (775) 246-9000 for a current price and thank you for your patience. 

Our Current Options


Swivel Tires


Adjustable Speed Motor






Adjustable Speed Vibrator


Set Speed Vibrator


Side Panels



Swivel Tires  
10” tires on a plate mounted and sized to fit the plate feet of all harvester sizes. Many wormers work indoors due to extreme weather conditions.  This makes moving harvesters very easy.

Paddles provide the stop-and-drop action required for breaking up vermicompost for easier screening and worm separation. Also, some wormers end users need very critical lab results. With our non-porous aluminum paddles, you will not need to worry about unwanted critters living and breeding in your paddles. They are a snap to hose off along your screens and are quick to remove or install. Be sure to read the Paddles Section of Basic Worm Harvesting on our Information tab.

Side Panels  
Side panels serve many purposes and are a must sometimes. Consider the following conditions when you think about side panels:

  • Cleaner work area, very important if you’re working inside.
  • Saves product – If you are going to use your harvester for 2 processing steps, worm separation and screening, the drier the vermicompost, the more it will fly during screening. Every pound you can sell counts.
  • Time saving – A better way to direct whatever you’re screening directly down into a catch tray than sweep it up and shovel it into a bin.
  • A lot easier to snap on or snap off than using and storing scrounged up plywood or cardboard and definitely easier to clean off.

Adjustable Speed Motor  
About 90% of our customers buy this option because it makes a harvester so versatile. It makes working with varying moisture levels amazingly simpler by allowing you to control how slowly or quickly material moves through the trammel.

Exchange out bigger mesh screens and whiz product through or swap to smaller mesh and slowly get a nice, fine blend. Slow and easy makes for nice worm separation and low stress on your worms. Wash root vegetables with a large mesh and a quick rotation trip. We love the adjustable speed motor for our process..

Set Speed Vibrator  
Sometimes, even with paddles, you just need to shake things up a bit more. Mounted on the axel at the output end, it runs on 110V, like the harvesters. It provides a nice, even vibration and helps with both breaking up the material being screened and opening up the screen mesh.

Our customers tell us the set speed vibrator does a great job. We know it sure is better than standing on one side of your harvester and beating it on the underside with a 2 x 4 while running back and forth to throw a shovel load of stock into the chute and repeating this for an hour or more.

Adjustable Speed Vibrator  
The adjustable speed vibrator is just what its name says. You can make it lightly vibrate the trammel or shake the living daylights out of it. Depending upon what moisture levels you are having to work with due to weather or whatever, the adjustable speed vibrator really helps prevent blind hole screen cleaning and definitely keeps what you’re screening moving down the trammel.

Our customers report it has really made a time difference to their screening process.

The chute is a really nice add-on if you don’t need a conveyor. It nicely takes product from a shovel scoop or a bucket dump right into the opening of the input end. It keeps the feed end area cleaner and snaps on or off the frame in a second. Whether feeding dry, fine product to remove something unwanted or product right out of the bin, the chute gets it to the trammel mouth, keeps a shovel farther away from the spokes and is a cinch to hose off.

JetSpeed can put on almost any size screen you want. Our standard screen sizes are 1/8”, 1/4” and 1/2″. The wire cloth we use is not standard hardware cloth. We get calls all the time from customers who have tried to find the gauge we use from the local hardware. You certainly can use standard hardware cloth to replace a damaged screen in an emergency, but you will definitely notice the difference immediately. It is easy to change the screens on all JetSpeed harvesters.

NOTE: Depending upon your operation, perforated metal screens can be supplied. the new system either. When you include lots of rich habitat material the worms were already living in, the chances of them thriving en route, and in the new system are going to be that much higher!

Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you!

*** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** –  Due to the continuing effects of the Covid virus on the materials supply chain, we are enduring a seemingly endless barrage of cost increases which negate posting accurate list prices for any extended period of time. Please feel free to call (775) 246-9000 for a current price and thank you for your patience. 

8 + 9 =

40 Cash Drive
Carson City, Nevada

We are open Monday to Friday
8:00-4:00 PM PST